This morning, on my way back from my morning walk with Aichbee, I found a huge lilac branch that has snapped off a tree at the top of our road during the winds and rain we’ve had over that last few days. I probably looked really silly struggling home with it on my shoulder, but it was blocking the path and the blossoms were plentiful and in great condition. Plus what was the original owner going to do apart from have to tidy it away so that it was no longer an obstruction?
After taking my share of the blossom for our sideboard I let the children loose on the rest, and they have spent a fair chunk of the day in the garden, covered in mud.
Btw, in the interest of honesty – here is what the other half of the side board looks like:
In other plant related news we have been watching The Edible Garden on youtube, having followed a link from Duofiberworks. Efbee has his own little vegetable patch this year so he finds the episodes fascinating as well as completely accessible. As a re-watch for me, they are even better than I remember. Well worth checking out, imho.