Generally I try to be positive but Autumn this year has been pretty rubbish. There has been a constant roundabout of illnesses in our house – FB then W, then once W is feeling better, FB is cooking like an oven again.
Currently he is covered in a post viral rash. It doesn’t seem to be bothering him, but it looks uncomfortable.
Add on top of that laptop issues, and un-fun house stuff, and lack of sleep, and freezing cold and – ok I’m just complaining now.
I’m sorry I haven’t been around. I’m genuinely sorry that I’ve been a bit crap lately.
Hopefully the laptop thing should be sorted in a day or two (finally), and no one will get sick for a while, and I’ll try to get back to something resembling normal.
Bring on Winter! I can’t wait.
It sounds like you’re having a rotten time with illnesses! Hopefully a good cold snap will kill off all the bugs that have been going around and you can have a bit of a breather.
I hope it all gets better, I hate those winter illnesses that just seem to go round and round.