Mini Slippers

My godmother, (who is a wonderful woman) has just become a grandmother for the first time, and even though i haven’t seen her eldest for years, i had to knit something. (You know how it is.)

So I took some green merino (left over from the sailboat jumper i made), and knitted the baby slippers from Adorable Knits for Tiny Tots by Zoe Mellor, while travelling back and forth to london, and watching a Top Gear marathon on uktvG2. 🙂

I made the 6-12 months – they should be the right size just as summer really takes off.

Tomorrow i’m meeting up with my good friend J, and heading into london again, to go have a nosy around Loop and The Handweavers Studio. (J went there last week, since we realised it was in her neck of the woods, and i got a hilarious ‘OMGOMGOMG!!!’ answerphone message.) i intend to be restrained in my purchasing, but it is my birthday later this month, and anyone who asked is being told I would like YARN! so i’m hoping i can come back soon and buy stuff then.

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