A Return.

Wow. I didn’t mean to be away for that long. Truely.

I spent about four months at Bluestockings saying ‘yes! No really! *This* week! I’ll post something tomorrow!’ and then didn’t.

And then Liz pointed out that when you come here, the first thing you see is ‘Poo!’ and really it was high time I either posted or gave up.

So why have I been away?

Well I’ve been working hard setting up two businesses. I’m very excited about them, and hopefully I can start talking about that here soon. But at the moment I have to keep shtum.

Also the writing side of my internet life took off again late last autumn and that’s been taking up a big chunk of my free time.

However, on the whole, nothing has really changed. I’m still knitting (a lot) and sewing (in fits), and have a load of finished objects in the wings.

I’ve been walking most mornings with W by the river near where we live, and it’s been really great to see leaves slowly appear, and follow the series of spring flowers as they each get their day in the sunshine.

And with spring in the air, on sunday I suddenly got the urge to make chocolate nests, using wheatabix and fair trade chocolate eggs I found in our local co-op. I’m planning to make more at the weekend (and stretch the mixture further next time).

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