Firstly – the shop is coming back.

However since closing the shop to upgrade and re-photograph we have had a cascade of problems including:

  • going to A&E in an ambulance. (The injured person in question is well on the mend and their injury was scary but not permanently scarring thank goodness.)
  • both children suffering a vomitting bug (we’re still in the midst of that one, though hopefully tomorrow will be better.
  • I am refusing to get the same bug but feel awful and bleurg and have been holding the youngest vomity child for most of the day. (Mind you it is lovely to have a small child asleep on you, even if they might wake up and vomit.)
  • (sorry, I’ll stop saying vomit.)

And now, in the midst of all that I have turned 34. Please wish me health. And less of the v word.

The shop will be back very soon. Promise.


5 thoughts on “34

  1. You spring chicken, you!

    Sorry to hear about the vomit, though. And the injury (!). We have been doing snot by the bucket, but not vomit, thank goodness. Must try to meet up when everyone is well again.

  2. Oh you poor things! Hope the V soon passes (looking on the bright side, at least it’s not D&V!!) and the broken ambulance requiring person is also soon better. Drama is great on the telly, not so great when it’s real life.

    34 is good though! Enjoy that 🙂

  3. oh no! oh no! and happy birthday! fingers crossed u don’t get the bug, the v word disappears from your life and we see you soon. love to you all.

  4. Happy birthday. 🙂

    Did you get to eat pancakes? We are saving them for tomorrow as we only just got back from Oop North. Do let me know if I can pop round with anything/help. <3 <3


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