
On Christmas Eve we went for a walk around my home town, as we do every christmas eve that we spend up north with my side of the family.

I told all the stories that I always tell, and pointing out all the places that I normally point out.

We walked past the house I spent my teenage years in. It looks well loved these days, which made me happy.

I bought a copy of Interweave Knits from the news agent across the road from said house, which was flabbergasting, given that it’s a tiny, not-very-good news agent in a small, obscure seaside town, and it’s hard enough finding IK in Borders in Oxford.

We bought licorice and blackcurrant sweets from a jar (my grandad’s sweet of choice), and walked down the prom, chewing happily.

I haven’t lived there for about twelve years. But it’s always nice to look back.

2008 has been a bit of a blur for me. Most of it was dominated by baby!W in some way – growing him, and then living this new life with him in it. It’s been exciting, and scary, and overwhelming, and amazing, and I wouldn’t change it for anything.

I’m looking forward to 2009. Looking forward to watching my son grow, and dyeing more yarn, and knitting new things, and learning to be a better spinner. I’m looking forward to having adventures as a family, and carving out time for W and I, and the prospect of a bit more sleep.

I’m planning to laugh alot, and learn lots of new things, and continue to be grateful for all the precious things in my life.

Happy New Year!

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