Taking Down the Lounge pt2

So Elli commented and said:

"That’s insane.  I would sell my soul to have that many bookshelves.  Love your v. retro armchair :)"

And I got dorky with my reply, and then decided to share it with you all, because I obviously didn’t make the shelf situation clear. (You see I LOVE things for putting things in, and I wouldn’t want you to think that that wasn’t the case.)

My reply:

yup, and normally i would feel the same – in fact when W bought the
house i *did* feel the same, but they take up a HUGE amount of floor
space, and since there are so many active walkways in that room floor
space is at a premium, plus they are shoddily made and too damn deep –
so they had to go.

We are going to have new shelves though – between the far wall and the
chimney breast – but at the top of the wall rather than from the floor.
thus all our books will have happy new homes, and we will still have
floor below to put chairs and things. cool huh?

mind you having spent the morning clearing the room in the baking heat maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all? 😉

btw thank you for the kind words about the arm chair. they were one of
those ‘is this a bargain? omg it really is!’ finds, where they needed
steaming cleaning and then dipping in a cold bath and leaving to dry –
which W did while i was out because i was being a wuss about it and
thought it would kill them. it didn’t – obviously- it just finally got
them clean. but it was worth the effort because now we can pretend to
be James Bond bad guys! 🙂

Right. Lunch.

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