Tabs that I Can’t Seem to Take Off my Browser

In the lead up to the move (and No2’s arrival), various tabs have made a permanent (?) home on my browser.

I thought it might be fun to share them with you:

Peppermint Candy Cane Hat (Ravelry Link) – Yes, I want to knit this for No2. I think it could come in useful too, depending on how many drafts we manage to plug before October. Mind you this is on my list without having the yarn picked out of my stash (since I’m trying not to buy any new yarn for a bit.)

Oh Baby Baby Booties (Ravelry Link) – These have been in my ravelry queue since FB was small, but I’m determined to knit some for No2. They will be great for wearing on the little feet poking out from they carrier. With FB we were less prepared, and he had the boots from his snowsuit or just socks. Poor lamb.

PurlSoho homepage – They recently had a redesign and I just find the homepage really inspiring. I love the use of colour. I could sit and watch it for ages. (Not that I do. But you know…)

The Parenting Passageway: Transitioning the Only Child to Older Sibling, Even More about Transitioning the Only Child to Older Sibling, and
Siblings Are The Most Precious Gift – I really really love this site. There is a ton of information and support there even if you’re not planning to homeschool (we aren’t), or aren’t particularly interested in Waldorf education. It is my parenting happy place, and has definately shifted my life for the better. (And you can’t say fairer than that really.)

Soulmama: Fresh Corners and For this Busy Table of Ours – This reminds me of things I am working towards in our new home: a play kitchen corner (that the big christmas plan), a craft cupboard (given that both mine and FB crafting will happen here in our backroom), and a proper home for our preserves (turns out that in boxes in the garage wasn’t the best plan – bye bye very old forgotten jam. 🙁 )

Shivaya Naturals: A Circle of Stones – in the months leading up to FB’s birth, it became apparent to both W and I that I was looking at the people in my life, and working out who I could depend on. It caused me some heartache, but it was an important (if subconscious) thing to do as I moved closer and closer to an important new part of my life. It’s happening again, though to a much lesser degree, and so this piece is comforting to me right now.

BBC Weather – Shall I do the washing? What shall we do today? Best consult the weather.

Actually while I’m sharing links I read a great book which I would recommend to any British woman who is pregnant – Am I Allowed? by Beverley A Lawrence Beech, published by the Association for Improvements in the Maternity Services.  It’s only 112 pages long, but it’s packed full of information about your rights as a pregnant women, especially with regard to your care, and the say you have about your care. I wish I’d read it before I’d had FB.

Aims has some other great books that I wish I’d read before – including one on Induction which you can buy as a pdf download- very useful if you find yourself asked to make a decision within a limited time frame.

Hope that helps someone.

2 thoughts on “Tabs that I Can’t Seem to Take Off my Browser

  1. Yay, thank you for posting about Soulemama, who I didn’t realize was in my neck of the woods! 🙂

  2. Hello! I like the links – especially the stripy hat, if I could rock a hat like that I totally would. I might also try the booties as pressie for workmates baby. Also I love the purl soho page – the colours are memorizing. Also I like the circle of stones post – it brought tears to my eyes. (Hippy that I am). Lots of love xx

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