State of play

Crawling around a Summerhouse

Where was I?

I wasn’t intending to disappear like that. Life just got in the way a bit.

There have been colds (due to first birthday parties), a special first birthday of our own to organise, the wobbly steps in that special place between cruising furniture and learning to walk, visits from dear friends, work deadlines and trying to sell our house.

A wonderful mix of exciting and stressful.

Unfortunately it’s not over yet* but there is yarn to go into the shop, a couple of finished objects to show you, and a few things to enthuse about so I’m planning to be less quiet over the next couple of weeks.

(*The house thing feels like it will never be over – though I keep telling myself ‘ a year from now I will feel differently.’ I remember telling myself that this time last year, two days after my due date, waddling through the longest week ever.)

4 thoughts on “State of play

  1. What a sweet picture, we have a baby just taking her first steps too. Isn’t this a wonderful time in their little lives? Hope everyone is feeling better soon.

  2. It will be over soon – I really feel for you on the whole moving front, it is always horrendous and especially with trying to find a house/have people come and look at your new house. I love FB little toes – very sweet. The muddy trousers are cool too – hope you all get over colds in time for the b’day. Lxxxxx

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