So behind…

First off, I love being a mum. And FB is this amazing kid who is pretty low maintainance – he’s a big smiler, and not a big crier.

And god, I’m so behind on things…

I started the year with a secret plan to post twice a week – *laughs* –  yeah well that worked out well.

However W will be at home for the next week and a half, so I’m planning to spend a bit of time each day getting things caught up here, as well as everywhere else, because I have lots to share about crafting and Oxford Kitchen Yarns, and because I miss this place.

However here is the short version:

  • Oxford Kitchen Yarns is alive! However no dyeing got done this winter for a whole host of reasons. I’m hoping to get started again very soon, but at the moment it’s all about getting a work routine that fits around our lives safely. But I have plans for new things as well as old familiars!
  • I’m not doing any shows this year, but I’m hoping to do some next year, which I’m planning for now.
  • I am still filling what free time I have with making things. I have things to share that I’m really pleased with, and links to places and people that you’re going to be glad you know about (if you don’t already), because they’re interesting and fun.
  • The challenges are challenging, and life is good. I haven’t been sharing much because I don’t tend to get my head around things publicly but there are a few interesting stories to tell, so I’ll try to tell them.
  • You’ll be glad to hear that I refuse to beat myself up about things – especially in public. It’s just not my style.

More very soon…

6 thoughts on “So behind…

  1. It’s quite an adjustment to get to the “new normal”… When it’s all brand new, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed–and even once it’s not all that new, it still feels overwhelming. I can remember when my two boys were little, I wondered how on earth I’d ever catch up with the daily chores, much less have time to be creative. But a friend told me that once the kids are 3 or 4, they develop the ability to entertain themselves a bit, to take care of themselves a little bit, and to give you a real break. In the midst of dirty diapers and crying babies and lack of sleep, waiting until age 3 or 4 seemed like an eternity. But now, here I am with a 4-year-old and a 7-year-old, and I’m wondering where their babyhoods went!

    The good news–and the bad news–is that this time goes by really fast. Give yourself a break about what you can’t get done right now, and take the time to enjoy this time (even in the midst of chaos).

    1. That’s good to know – thank you!

      Time already feels like it’s zipping by – he’s not my tiny baby any more. he’s his own person, who is desperate to start really moving about, and who is facinated by everything and everyone. i really didn’t realise that they were only ‘little’ for such a short time, but even at six months he seems so much more grown that i expected.

      When i get a bit of time to be creative – which is usually the last bit of the end of the day, if it’s been a good day, when, sure there are chores to do, but they could get done tomorrow… – i think i love it more than i ever have before. (and i’ve been making things since i was about 6.)

      especially when i get to use those skills to make things that we will find useful – like trousers that will fit over the combination of chunky baby legs and bulky cloth nappies we bought – something few high street stores seem to sell. 🙂 Or a summer hat for my larger-than-the-high-street-hats head.

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