Right Now – chopping card at speed in a coffee shop

Right now…

W is at home, doing maths, and lego and documentaries, and our reading programme with the children* and I am in the nearby coffee shop chopping up the next unit of said reading programme ready for next week, updating the blog, finishing some website work for a friend of mine (who’s books you should read), and doing the weekly shop online.

20150219_090816(cue the fuzzy phone photos)

I should have got a second drink while it was quiet, and now there is a queue of people and I don’t want to leave my things unattended. 🙁

20150219_090827(I love when disparate hand knits work together)

I didn’t even brush my hair this morning!


*Do to completely forseen circumstances that were still beyond our control (but that we were at least able to prepare for), W only has half a job at the moment. This is hard for us, but we are grateful for the half-job at least. And currently it means I have one day a week where he can be in charge at home, and I can get things-that-can’t-be-done-easily-around-the-children done. Which is nice, especially right now when a combination of cold weather, cold house, and small children who still need me at night, means that I am getting next to no evenings at the moment. However I’d give it up in a heartbeat for him to have a full time job.

Hopefully things will improve on all fronts later in the year. But right now we are trying to live as gently as we can.

Wow. That got a little more personal than usual.

Keep an eye on my twitter, or the blog on Saturday morning, for information about the 30% off Birthday Flash Sale.


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