Day 1: Post!


I meant to post about this weeks ago, but then I went hunting for an egg cup…

Look what my friend Meg sent me! A jumper egg cozy,  great stitch markers she made herself (my first proper beaded stich markers, cool huh?) and a bunch of cute little trimmings.

Thanks hon! It really made my day!

I’m in the middle of fixing up a return package for her. The handmade part is done, and now blocking nicely, so i just have to gather up the other bits and bobs and it’s off to the post office. (Meg, shall i still send it to your yorkshire address?)


My ‘It’s a wristlet world‘ package arrive this week! Thank you so much Sarah!

Check out the chilli-pepper wristlet! And the turquoise (I *love* turquoise) South Trading Company cotton. The Gallery Girl mint tin now contains all my stitch markers (including the beaded ones above 🙂 and has pride of place in my knitting notions bag.

The salsa mix is great, and I can’t wait to use it, and obviously there were sweets (tootsy rolls which we just don’t have over here) which last about five minutes after I opened the package. As is tradition. 🙂

Wow, and now i feel all postal-hugged and stuff. I’m so happy to be part of the craft community. 🙂

My Wristlet world package is planned and should be in the post next week.

Also I owe a stack of emails so I’ll try and get on top of that in the next few days too.

The big news today is that, after two years of looking, a four week lead time while it was being made (i guess) and then an additional five week delay because they couldn’t get the right leather, (wow, i guess the vegan option has been ruined for me), Habitat are finally going to deliver our sofa in the next hour!

What they don’t know is that they’re going to have to help us get it over the first floor balcony because it’s not going to work taking it up the stairs. However we’ve done this before and it should be fine.

So hopefully there will be sofa photos in my post tomorrow. 🙂

2 thoughts on “Day 1: Post!

  1. :beam: I’m so glad you liked the package, dearest. I had fun making things for it!

    My Yorkshire address is indeed the best one to send too right now. Yay! :stalks the postman:

  2. So glad you got your package ok! For some reason your blog update did not come up on bloglines.

    I would have sent real chocolate but it is TOO hot in Arizona still.

    If you like the salsa mix, let me know and I would be happy to send you more!

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