Another Yarn Along…
The ‘Feet of Flames’ are progressing – or at least one of them is. I have just turned the first heel and I’m contemplating the legs being plain. (Maybe I’m being a wimp not sticking with the cables but I want these socks off my needles and onto my feet as soon as possible and 16 little cables isn’t going to get me there particularly quickly… We will see.)
Bookwise I’m still reading Radical Homemakers – I’m past the theory and into the ‘how people actually do it’ bit. It’s interesting reading it again after two years and seeing all the progress we have made. Looking just at the decoration of the house (and the lack of change there) is actually very deceptive – to us as much as anyone! Turns out we’ve been moving towards our goals much more than I thought we had. Which is very satisfying. Especially since W and I confessed to each other this morning that we’re pretty terrified of actually getting the kitchen re-build sorted, and have been dragging our feet.
I’m also reading ‘Farmer Boy‘ to FB. It’s supposed to be his bedtime book but extra chapters seem to get read during the day too. I’ve never read it before, but we just finished Little House in the Big Wood and he’s a boy who is determined to be a farmer when he’s bigger. (Oh the plans he has for that farm!) We’ve been showing him Tales from the Green Valley, (which I think I’ve mentioned here before?) which he absolutely adores!